
Posts Tagged ‘2012 Primaries’

Mitch Daniels, toast to me thank you.

March 13, 2011 1 comment

Mitch Daniels has been oft mentioned as a possible candidate for President in 2012.  He’s done some good things as Governor of Indiana and appears to be popular with the folks in his state.  He’s also tarnished his conservative credentials a couple of times with some “missteps” like his proposal for a “truce” on social issues until we can get the fiscal problems facing us on the way to being fixed.  And then there’s his opposition to a bill in the Indiana legislature that would make his state – where he eliminated some collective bargaining ability by unions by executive order – a Right To Work state.

Frankly, I can live with the concept of the truce.  Mostly because in the real world, social issues – primarily abortion – isn’t going to come off the table, it’s just not going to be front and center but there will still be ongoing legislative actions to curtail the practice when the opportunity presents itself.  See the Congress working to defund Planned Parenthood as an example.
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